By |Published On: June 6, 2023|



SaSAA partnered with the National League of Cities in their Infrastructure Hub Bootcamp initiative and worked alongside NLC and 38 member cities to ready their brownfield projects for federal Infrastructure Act grant applications. Through multiple modules and over several months, SaSAA engaged with participating cities and provided on-demand environmental expert consultation, access to intelligent property risk screening software, and guidance on property conditions that could impact their federal grant applications.  SaSAA’s team of experts were able to provide the additional capacity and expertise many cities and towns needed to more efficiently and effectively screen their target properties and identify property issues that could impact their federal funds applications.  It was a ‘win-win-win’ for SaSAA, NLC, and participating cities.  Contact SaSAA if you have questions on your brownfield projects or federal funds applications:

About the Author: Scott Walchak

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