The Smart and Sustainable Cities Program
SaSAA’s Smart and Sustainable Cities Program is an innovative public-private partnership designed to help cities better manage environmental and sustainability issues. Its aim is to develop transitional capabilities in cities and municipal authorities and help them address environmental risks while making smart and sustainable business decisions.

The Program provides member cities with supportive provider knowledge, environmental professional expertise, training, and cutting-edge software that helps cities overcome their most challenging environmental and sustainability concerns. Participating cities can gain critical insights and guidance to better handle the complex environmental issues they face and accelerate their sustainability agenda.
Smart and Sustainable Cities Program is designed to:
Smart and Sustainable Cities Program is designed to:
Support cities in effectively managing environmental risks.
Provide on demand environmental expertise.
Give access to the RiskFacts environmental risk search platform.
Assist cities with complex environmental and sustainability issues.
Promote sustainable development in cities.
Leverage grant and donor funds to build capacity in member cities.
Bridging the Gap Between Reality and Capacity

A wide range of programs and functions within City governments can benefit from the sustainability and environmental capacity building of the Cities Program.